Water, the source of life, of energy.
That same energy that emerges disruptive, reactivated, and amplified, from the works of Mara Fabbro, accumulations of sand and resin pigmented with warm colors, recreating torrid, arid, and desert atmospheres.
Works such as “Oxygen”, produced by the seaweed, “Sea” glue of the earth, “Glaciers”, “Black Smokers” hydrothermal springs or fascinating “Shells” and “Coral” that animate the coral reefs. “Marine Creatures” have a gash wound, the remembrance of being violated by humankind. They have been offended by human arrogance and human greed that desires to take everything away with no respect for a perfect, delicate, and fragile ecosystem which nevertheless resists.
In those glimpses there is a deeper and alive meaning in the exhibition and work of Mara Fabbro, a Friulian artist who has been able to recreate, through a painting material, an informal tribute to a world of vital energies.
Through the sacred form of the circle, a sort of mandala, she recalls in an almost violent way our sensibility to the respect for Nature with the same energy with which the creation rebels to our delirious exploitation through catastrophic events such as tsunamis or floods.
Her creations, her spaces of matter immerse us in a reflection aimed at an irresponsible world that takes water for granted, believing that our resources on earth are unlimited when in fact there are people who suffer from the lack, as the artist expresses in such works as “Dehydration”.
The artist draws directly from the energies of the natural world, and by the strength of her works, recreats a renewed encounter with matter. However, she leaves a message of hope, of openness to the beauty of creation, and respect for Life. This is summed up in the installation “Message in a Bottle”, with the hope that man can be reborn in the faith of the energy of creation, to return to feel one with it, to return to make peace with our Mother Earth that has generated us.
Anna Mattedi
See the video on youtube
Water burns, Mara Fabbro
Art Exhibition by Giovanni Granzotto
Palazzo Thun – Torre Mirana, Via Belenzani, 19
Free entrance:
Thursday and Friday 14.00/18.00
Saturday and Sunday 10.00/13.00 e 14.00/18.00
With the support of Autonomous Province of Trento e City of Trento
Peccato essere così distante dal Trentino, altrimenti sarei venuta a vedere la mostra.
Complimenti per la presentazione: video e testo sono veramente suggestivi!
Grazie Monica, la mostra è veramente meritevole, un importante momento di riflessione sul rispetto della Natura …
Molto interessante!
Ottimi davvero il video e il testo, che personalmente avrei più ‘spinto’ sui confronti coi precedenti artistici – alcuni espliciti – dell’artista; molto suggestive le opere, alcune davvero riuscite (anche tecnicamente!) e comunque dense di significato: complimentoni!
La ringrazio Professore, il suo consiglio è davvero prezioso, ne farò tesoro.
Will share this post on facebook when I get home. On my iPhone at the moment. Great post.
Muchas gracias por la publicación, exactamente quería encontrar esta info y no lo encontraba. Besos!